Teaching for Transformation (TfT)


 "The primary goal of Christian education is the formation of a PECULIAR PEOPLE, a people who desire the kingdom of God and thus undertake their life's expression of that desire."                    James K.A.Smith

What makes Trinity Christian School distinctive?  We believe we’re Teaching for Transformation!

God is sovereign and Jesus Christ is Lord over all things!  That is the biblical truth that must gently whisper and boldly resound in every part, every thread of a Christian school’s curriculum.  It must serve as the core curriculum in every Christian school classroom.  The task of a Christian school teacher is to expose God's fingerprints in ALL things.

Throughout its history, TCS has been focused on integrating faith and learning in everything we do.  In 2015, we started on a journey to further develop that strength—the implementation of the Teaching for Transformation (TfT) curriculum planning model. 

Teaching for Transformation binds together all subjects and activities, providing a framework for the education we provide and what we want graduates to be. 

It helps us live out our mission by providing definitions of:  

  • what it means to be a disciple (head),
  • why we have discipleship habits (heart), and
  • how we practice being a disciple (hands). 

It is our goal that our students will see God’s fingerprints in everything that is taught, understand God’s story of redemption, and see their role in His redemptive story.

God created all things.  Even after the fall, which indeed affects and infects all things, creation remains good.  Redemption impacts all things, redirecting them to their God-designated purposes.  Someday, all things will be fully restored, but the work of renewal begins now, and we are privileged to be co-workers with God in this process.  

It is into this story that teachers are called to invite each student.  Through TfT, teachers design learning experiences that help students discover God’s story and His fingerprints in all things, with the hope that every learning experience will become truly transformational for every student.


To learn more about the 3 Core Practices and other TfT information, click below. 

Core Practice 1:  Storyline

Core Practice 2:  Biblical Throughlines

Core Practice 3:  FLEx (Formational Learning EXperiences)