What makes TCS Unique?

Kept items deleted from most recent update (summer 2022)


Academics are Enhanced
through Christian Teachings:

The goal of Christian education
"is not just a certain way of thinking
but a certain way of being in the world"

James K.A. Smith 


We believe God gives every child gifts and talents to be used in His service. 

We believe the foundation for our school is a deep understanding of who we are as Christians in relation to God (our Worldview).

We believe we must educate our students by addressing the HEAD, HEART and HANDS as a response to our holistic view of the child.

We believe the subjects we study in school are GOD-CREATED and GOD-OWNED. Because everything in the world clearly belongs to HIM, teachers at Trinity Christian School seek to reveal God’s fingerprints in all things, in all subjects, in all classes


What is TEACHING FOR TRANSFORMATION? A curriculum development model that provides a framework for authentic Christian learning experiences. This curriculum:

  • Begins with standards for education derived from scripture
  • Sees and cites evidences of God’s sovereign purposes
  • Calls students, as redeemed image bearers, to acts of restoration
  • Challenges students to put their faith in action and to accept Christ’s invitation to be transformers of this world.

Every unit must be seen as being sacred – a divine opportunity for the student to enter into a deeper relationship with their God.

Academics are Enhanced through Christian Teachings: TEACHING FOR TRANSFORMATION

The goal of Christian education

"is not just a certain way of  thinking

but a certain way of  being in the world,"

James K.A Smith 


We believe God gives every child gifts and talents to be used in His service. 

We believe the foundation for our school is a deep understanding of who we are as Christians in relation to God (our Worldview).

We believe we must educate our students by addressing the HEAD, HEART and HANDS as a response to our holistic view of the child.

We believe the subjects we study in school are GOD-CREATED and GOD-OWNED. Because everything in the world clearly belongs to HIM, teachers at Trinity Christian School seek to reveal God’s fingerprints in all things, in all subjects, in all classes


What is TEACHING FOR TRANSFORMATION? A curriculum development model that provides a framework for authentic Christian learning experiences. This curriculum:

  • Begins with standards for education derived from scripture
  • Sees and cites evidences of God’s sovereign purposes
  • Calls students, as redeemed image bearers, to acts of restoration
  • Challenges students to put their faith in action and to accept Christ’s invitation to be transformers of this world.

Every unit must be seen as being sacred – a divine opportunity for the student to enter into a deeper relationship with their God.



The academic excellence of Trinity Christian School has been repeatedly recognized by independent organizations such as the Fraser Institute, which consistently ranks Trinity Christian School as a top school in south Calgary.  

We are very proud of our students' success. Their academic achievement is the result of building a strong foundation starting at the primary level.

Feel free to browse our Education Plan and various provincial exam results below:

Alberta Government: Provincial Achievement Test Multiyear Report

Three Year Education Plan:  School Goals Report - Palliser School Division



The academic excellence of Trinity Christian School has been repeatedly recognized by independent organizations such as the Fraser Institute, which consistently ranks Trinity Christian School as a top school in south Calgary.  

We are very proud of our students' success. Their academic achievement is the result of building a strong foundation starting at the primary level.

Feel free to browse our Education Plan and various provincial exam results below:

Alberta Government: Provincial Achievement Test Multiyear Report 2013-14

TCS Academic Performance (2010 - 2014) Compared to Other Calgary Schools

Three Year Education Plan:  School Goals Report - Palliser School Division


TCS is a school that desires to educate the children of believers, challenging each student to reach their full potential in every area of personal development – emotional, physical, social, intellectual and spiritual.

Students with special education needs (those assessed as having a mild, moderate, or severe disability or who are gifted and talented) are provided an Individualized Program Plan (IPP); a concise plan of action designed to address their exceptional education needs.

The following Inclusive Supports Services are available on-site to students:

  • Learning Support Teacher – can provide standardized assessments and support the learning needs of students through individual and small group interventions.
  • Learning Assistant – most classes have some assistant time available for students with unique needs, for support individually or in small groups as directed by the teacher.
  • Family School Liaison Counsellor – strengthens and supports children and their families through challenges and concerns they may have via a counselling relationship or as a resource liaison.
  • Early Literacy Assistant – provides additional programming for ECS-Grade 2 students to support development of early literacy skills. 

Furthermore, based on service provision priorities for available resources, additional team members may be accessed through the Regional Collaborative Calgary & Area (RCCA)

  • Speech Language Pathologists
  • Occupational Therapists
  • Physical Therapists
  • Psychologists

We strive to be a school that is inclusive, where every student is considered a valuable member of the community with a significant contribution to make. We continually seek to access services or gain expertise that will prepare each student at TCS for a life of learning and service in God’s world.