STEP 2 – ACSCS Membership Interview
Once you have submitted a completed application we will review your file. Our Admissions Coordinator will contact you to schedule your ACSCS Membership Interview. We want to partner with your family and your church as we educate and disciple your child(ren). We want to get to know you!
The purpose of the interview is three fold:
- To begin a relationship through dialogue, sharing of faith journeys and answering of questions,
- To discuss the roles and responsibilities of ACSCS Members (ie volunteering, attendance at ACSCS meetings, payment of Program Fees and ACSCS Fees), and
- To ensure the parents’ eligibility for ACSCS Membership and to explain the process of approval to membership into the ACSCS.
Following the interview, the Society Membership application is presented to the Board of Directors for approval.