March 15, 2020 - A Year Later

Dear TCS Families,
March 15 will always be a day I remember as two very significant events happened simultaneously that brought great joy and sadness at the same time. It was a Sunday afternoon and we were at the airport to welcome Carlynn home from Germany (she had 48 hours to leave the country as the borders were closing) and the Alberta government announced that schools would go online for the remainder of the school year beginning the next day. Wow, I didn't know if I should laugh or cry, but ended up doing both with a little temper tantrum in between!
Thankfully, we learn so much as we gain perspective and are able to reflect on all that took place. God is continuing to reveal snippets of His plan through both of these circumstances and I have learned so much about God, about myself and about resiliency. I keep saying I do not want to do a u-tern once this is all over and head back to the "comfortable" ways of the past, but instead, I want to be stronger, more caring, more appreciate, and bolder to do all that God calls me to do, both personally and professionally.
I would also love to know how God is working in your lives as we begin to reflect on the past year and look forward to our next year. March 15, 2020 to March 15, 2021 is part of our story. Feel free to send us an email us at to let us know. |
You are all in my thoughts and prayers today as I reflect on the past year and rejoice in how many hurdles we have conquered, challenges we have embraced (with and without a smile), and how many hard things we have accomplished. The one joy of this date that marks such a significant event in our lives is that it is the beginning of spring. I always find that spring brings about hope and joy as we enjoy the warmth of the sun, the birth of new life, and the beauty of colours that nature provides.
I have attached a few pictures highlighting our past year.
Have a blessed day and take a moment to reflect on all you have done and accomplished this past year. Way to go, team!
Blessings, Mrs. Duimel
March 15, 2020 - Now a Year Later