On Tuesday we were blessed, once again, as we welcomed back all of our families on the first day of school!
This year is a very special year as we celebrate our 25th anniversary. Donned with pompoms and balloons, administration showed their enthusiasm and excitement.
we had a full house at Chapel including so many of our new families (36 new families with 43 children).
our Vice Principal, Jon Roper, and Executive Director, Mike Humphries, introduced our theme of the year, Become A Game Changer, with a fun skit. The skit highlighted how to be a real game changer.
Rod Sawatzky, Chaplain for the Stampeders and the Flames and TCS Basketball Coach, prayed with our school.
Cobs & Dogs was big success despite the weather:
In celebration of our 25th year we had a few extra surprises for our families:
The obstacle course was a big hit.
Ice cream and smokies - both very tasty - both served up by our board of directors.
door prizes
we are so grateful for our alumni who came to help out and celebrate with us. We hope to see many more alumni over the year.
We hope everyone enjoyed their first day of school and we look forward to a fantastic new year as we all "Become Game Changers" and celebrate 25 years of God's blessings for TCS!