Fond Farewell to Mrs. Nudd & Mrs. Oostenbrink!

The staff was able to bid a fond farewell to Carol Nudd and Deb Oostenbrink on Friday afternoon. They were both a huge blessing to TCS and will be greatly missed.
Carol Nudd started as a parent here 20 years ago. Carol began in the library 17 years ago. She brought it from a cart on wheels to what it is today. Her two children, Lara and Matthew, were graduates of TCS. Matthew graduated in 2010.
Deb Oostenbrink began as a parent and volunteer extraordinaire 19 years ago. Her fifth child, Adam, will be graduating from TCS in June 20017. Deb focused her efforts towards the library over the past year. A true servant heart.
If you did not have a chance to say goodbye and would still like to, please provide a message below and we will make sure to pass it on.