Get Your Copy of "Leadership in Literacy" from your Palliser School Board

Palliser Regional Schools is committed to reporting to its stakeholders information about the educational programs and services being offered to the students we serve.To that end, the Board of Trustees of Palliser Regional Schools is pleased to present “Leadership in Literacy,” a report on the significant commitment of human and material resources to ensuring all of our students develop the literacy skills they need for success in school and in life.
An electronic version of this four-page report can be downloaded at, and copies are being distributed widely by email and post.
This report shares early successes of our literacy effort, offers tips to support young readers, explains how reading and writing instruction is being assessed and taught in our schools, and shares some of the steps Palliser has taken so far to support all students in their literacy journey.
The document includes scannable QR codes to take readers directly to additional information about literacy.
Palliser’s theme for 2013-2014 is “Today a Reader, Tomorrow a Leader,” reflecting the critical role literacy skills play in unleashing our students’ full potential. This investment in literacy is an investment in our students and our communities.
Thank you for taking the time to review this report. We invite you to share your feedback by email at or by calling Palliser’s Central Office at 403-328-4111 or toll-free 1-877-667-1234.
For more information about literacy in Palliser, please visit the Literacy section of our division website at