Victoria Welcomes TCS

After a great day in and around Victoria, we are back into our hotel and settling in for the night.
I wanted to say that I am so proud of our students and how they have represented TCS this afternoon. We had a great flight from Calgary with a smooth landing. As we arrived the sun started peeking through the clouds. All of our luggage found its way to Victoria, and we loaded our bus and headed to Ogden Point. Students had a great time walking the breakwater and playing on the beach. Cheryl Barnard met our group with snacks and reconnected with some of the students. From there, we loaded the bus to the Oak Bay Marina. Students got the chance to feed four rather well-fed seals (who more than earned their snacks), and a handful of marauding seagulls. Lunch at the marina followed, and students spread out around the marina and enjoyed a variety of coastal specialties, and some not-so-coastal-specialties. The sun found its way through the clouds, and the calm breeze made for a lovely time on the dock. With full stomachs we made our way to Goldstream Provincial Park. We hiked through the beautiful towering forest and enjoyed the beautiful fall colours. While our search for spawning Salmon was unsuccessful, we still had a great time walking a chatting as we explored the park. After clambering back aboard our aptly directed bus, we made our way to Esquimalt Lagoon. Students had a great time playing on the beach, among the driftwood, and even got their feet wet in the small crashing waves. Many were happy to head back to the hotel for a quick break before heading to the Old Spaghetti Factory for dinner. After a smashing 3 course carbo-load, we wandered to see our SALTS vessels for the week. It was fun to watch the excitement mount as we approached our homes for the week. From there we made our way by the Legislature as we headed back to settle into our hotel. Many students topped off the day in the hot tub, and we are all now settling in for the night.
Thank you for your prayers. The Lord blessed us with a safe, warm, mainly dry day around Victoria. We look forward to boarding our boats and heading out on the water tomorrow.
Goodnight from Victoria!