S.A.L.T.S. Day 3

We awoke to an overcast, drizzly morning which made us all appreciate our rain gear. Although it is cooler today, we still experienced some great adventures on the water. We were able to set the sails and spend the afternoon sailing which was terrific and helped us all to better understand all the sailing knowledge we have been learning. We completed our lessons and will take our assessment for our junior sailor’s license tomorrow. We set two prawn traps in Deep Cove which we will retrieve tomorrow. Shortly after that we had a very entertaining sea lion who swam and jumped around the boat for about 5 minutes. He put on quite a show we all got to enjoy. We then anchored in Cole Bay for the night. Several students took the opportunity to jump in the ocean which was great fun. Games are now being played and then we will conclude our day with mug up.