Sunshine and Light Winds

Once again we awoke to clear sunny skies. This morning was warmer and the water was like glass. After breakfast, we had a review of the sailing lessons from the week in preparation for their Junior Sailor’s Certification. The students then completed their examination on deck as they had to show they could tie six knots, read charts, identify all the parts of the boat, explain the rules of the road, and explain points of sail. Next, we weighed the anchor and set the sails once again as we enjoyed the afternoon in the sunshine and light wind. This evening we are anchored in Cadboro Bay. Our skipper’s family joined us for dinner on the boat tonight. Lots of fun games were played today as well as a tuck and tidy competition before mug up. It is a gorgeous evening with a beautiful sunset. Tomorrow we sail back into Victoria’s Inner Harbour around noon and then head to the airport to fly home. It has been a fantastic adventure.