God’s grace is enough

This month’s focus: God’s grace is enough
But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me.
2 Corinthians 12:9
His Grace is Sufficient
Excerpt from the First 15 Devotional
(to read the whole devotion please click HERE)
It seems like everyday I discover new ways in which I am weak and in need. Whether it be sin, physical exhaustion or emotional dependence, I am constantly discovering my need for help. But daily I also discover a God who is wholly sufficient in all the ways I am weak. Daily I receive rejuvenation from my heavenly Father who seems to take these weaknesses of mine and use them for his kingdom…
We serve a God who turns our greatest weakness into our greatest strength. In his grace, all he asks of us is to have a heart open, willing and receptive to him. Our God is one who comes down to us and lays down his life that we might live through him. He’s the King of kings who washes the feet of the very men who would betray him. He’s the God of compassion who heals the sick and spends time with the sinners rather than the pious. He has given up any form of personal gain to devote his entire existence to paving the way for us to have restored relationship with our heavenly Father.