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Happy Pastor's Day

Once again we were so happy to have a great turn out at our annual Pastor's Breakfast.  We had 43 pastors from 28 of our churches.  The chance for our pastors to interact with the children in their classrooms is a real blessings.  As you know, our mission, at TCS is to lead our children to be the best they can be for God's glory by supporting our children in their faith at school, home and church.  What better way to help the children see that all three areas of their lives are working together when they get to proudly share their school with their parents everyday and with their pastors on this special day?  

Thank you to everyone who helped make this event happen;

  • the grade 7 parents for providing the food and beverages,
  • the grade 8 students for helping tour our pastors and helping clean up after breakfast,
  • our Music Academy students for providing the music.
  • parent volunteers who woke up early to help set up


School Guide Link to Photos



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