Yesterday was our last day of school for this year and it was FULL of celebration. Not only did we start with a putting challenge it continued for the Junior High with their Awards ceremony, elementary class parties and finally with our all school chapel.
During chapel everyone was so joyous as we sang worship together. The gym was overflowing with energetic students singing and dancing.
Afterwards, the program was full of acknowledgements including:
Thanking our safety patrollers on another year of excellent work.
Perfect Attendance for 15 students
Principals award was given to Miss D for her organizing our first Serves Day.
Prayers for students, families and staff who are leaving TCS
students moving away were given wooden crosses
graduating families were gifted TCS vases
two of our wonderful teachers - Mr. 'tHart who will VP at Masters and Melissa Sawers who will be completing her practicum for her Masters
We also had the opportunity to welcomed our two new incoming staff
Maria Collins who will be our new Grade 8/9 math teacher. Ms. Dykshoorn will be moving to grade 5.
Mrs. Lesley Wenzel, our new Vice Principal Junior High, was in attendance at chapel
25th Anniversary
Trinity Christian School will be 25 years old next year and we welcome everyone to attend our events throughout the year. We would really appreciate it if you would spread the word and invite any alumni you know to attend our opening day, Cobs & Dogs, on Tuesday, September 4th at noon.