Volunteer of the Year

Please join us in congratulating Devin Shishowski on receiving the "Volunteer of the Year" award for this year.
Devin is not only the Chair of our ACSCS Board he has been very successful at building and strengthening relationships between our board members, Palliser employees, Lansdowne and other Christian School societies. These relationships are very important to ensure the future success of our school. Specifically, Devin has helped during Society staffing changes, negotiating contracts with Lansdowne to complete the purchase of the second floor, met with other Christian Schools to share best practices, and partipated with Palliser in the interview process for a new Principal and Vice Principal at TCS. His constant presence behind the scenes, even during the summer months, and willingness to step up where needed to get the job done is exceptional.
Volunteers are the cornerstone of our school; each of our volunteers are an amazing resource and are very much appreciated. Thank you to ALL our volunteers over the year. We encourage all parents in our TCS community to find it in their hearts to volunteer at least a couple of times a year. It not only helps our school it is an awesome way to meet new people and be part of our community.