Welcome to Our New Executive Director

We are pleased to welcome, Mike Humphries, as our new Executive Director to Trinity Christian School starting today. Mike is a previous board member as well as a parent making him well versed in our wonderful school and a very positive addition. We look forward to him using this past experience and knowledge of our school for this role. One parent wrote us saying, "This is incredible! What a fantastic leader! I am excited about what the future holds with this guy at the helm!".
Some more fun facts of Mike:
- Birthplace: Calgary, AB - Holy Cross Hospital (google it - it doesn't exist anymore)
- Married to Robin, 3 kids, Lindsay, Jack and Charlie
- First Car: VW Rabbit - tried to drive it to California for College and it didn't make it past Blairmore, AB
- Favorite Sports Teams: Stamps, Flames
- Once had to get 10 stiches in my face from playing Ping Pong (mind you, it was "Killer Ping Pong")
- Favorite Band: Twenty One Pilots (not really but it gives me street cred with my daughter)
- Favorite Hot Drink: Coffee with one cream one sugar (but keep adding if not sweet enough)
- Favorite Movie (s): Shawshank Redemption, Princess Bride, Lord of the Rings
- Favorite Snack: White Cheddar Popcorn, any chocolate
- Favorite Place: Camp Chamisall (google it)
- Favorite Speaker: John Piper
- Favorite Running Distance: 1/2 Marathon
- Favorite Restaurant: Ceasers Steak House
- Favorite Sport: Flag Football
- Favorite Sports (that I can still play): Hockey, golf
- Favorite Hymn: Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing
If you are around this summer, please feel free to drop in at the school and connect with Mike. He can also be reached at executivedirector@tcskids.com