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Wellness Tip of the Month

This Month's Wellness Tip focuses on the importance of SLEEP!

Importance of Sleep and Rest 

  • Good sleep and rest renews us and supports our overall mental and physical functioning. Some benefits include: strengthening the immune system, increased concentration and motivation, increased coordination. 

Different types of Rest

  • Physical Rest- It is important to give our bodies time to recover from physical demands and slow down when needed. Our body sends many signals to tell us we need to rest or slow down. It is important to listen to these signals. 
  • Mental Rest- This includes taking study breaks, or taking time to wind down at the end of the day. 
  • Emotional Rest- It is important to learn to recognize our emotions and when we need to take care of them. Emotional rest might include talking to a trusted person, journaling, exercising, taking a 15 minute break from what is going on around us. 
  • Sensory and Social Rest- Social and sensory stimulation is all around us. It is important to take breaks and rest. This might include taking breaks from devices, spending time alone, going for a walk, taking time to draw or journal. 


Some Suggestions for Better Rest and Sleep 

  • Be mindful of napping. If you are going to take a nap, consider about 10-20 mins. Also, try not to nap too late in the day. Longer and later naps can cause you to feel groggy and make it difficult to maintain a regular sleep schedule. 
  • Consider going to bed earlier.
  • Use another alarm clock other than your phone.
  • Be mindful of caffeine consumption, both the amount and time of day. 
  • Avoid going on your phone or device at least an hour before bed. Also, turn the dimming setting on your device in the evenings. 
  • Try to make your room a relaxing environment. Consider the temperature of your room, clean space and bedding, maybe listen to some calming music. It is also important to keep our sleep space separate from activities that might cause stress such as studying. If possible, try to study in a separate room. 
  • Exercise or some movement throughout the day can really help with sleep. 
  • Try some relaxing activities as your evening winds down such as, drawing, journaling, talking with family, listening to calm music, doing a devotional or reading your Bible, praying, going for a walk, or stretching. 
  • Try to keep your sleep schedule consistent. 
  • Always be sure to reach out for help to your doctor or or other medical professionals if you are struggling with your sleep.


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